The Importance of Analyzing Movies

The cinema brings all the thoughts. Years ago I saw the film Father Padrone (1997), Italian by Paolo and Vittorio Taviani. Since then, when I have been able to videotape it, I use it with students, older or younger, in order to analyze the importance of education, the effort of some people to enter a school and the importance of human effort despite All difficulties. It is a hard film, with some passages that some adults have considered scabrous, and that a few years ago, the first time that happened in Spanish television caused more of a headache headaches. However it is a story so real, it can and should be seen, Especially given that our teens see tougher and arguable sequences in any juvenile series of the afternoon. The film is a defense of the school and its necessity, and a plea against absolute dependence, be it the father or the society.

Father Padrone is based on the autobiographical account of Gavino Ledda, a young shepherd who frees himself from the tyranny of his father, who took him from school, until becoming a linguist and writer, one of the best known in Italy. The film, following Ledda's autobiography, presents the son as a possessive object of the father, Click here for the martian movie torrent.

and the father-teacher / son-slave relationship. "You're not the boss of anybody," Gavino says angrily to his father. The beginning of the film is a terrible sequence in which the father is shown furious entering his son's classroom and forcing him to the mountain to become a shepherd. He is a brutal father who terrifies the other children in the class and the teacher. He said to the other children, "Today he has touched Gavino; tomorrow he will touch you."

Gavino was in the mount until the 18 years, in which he left to his family and the field and was enrolled in the army. There he studied and graduated as an expert electronics sergeant. In 1961 he managed to finish high school and entered the University of Rome. Today he is one of the great Italian linguists, author of numerous texts on literature and language ..

The film opens a door to reflection. The facts are universal, they occur in all places, with more or less force. The film can serve as a basis for a reflective review of friendship, knowledge, rejection of injustice, the right to education and the factors that make it difficult. The conflict between Gavino and his father is the pretext for a broader picture: silence, lack of education, dependence ... are not subjects that are confined to a character, and not even a particular place in the world , That Sardinia where the action of this film takes place.

It is possible to reflect on the right to education, the need for training in the face of socialization and the search for work, abuse of parents to children, dependence on many children of parents and teachers, the possibility of bridging barriers With other opportunities, adult education ...

The value of learning from others

We all learn from everyone. An axiom frequently repeated in the new pedagogy can be analyzed in these two films. The changes that occur in students and analyzed them traditional education. The changes that occur in teachers, are becoming more valued.

A movie could be Educating Rita (Educating Rita) made in 1983 by Lewis Gilbert. Reflection on mutual education between students and teachers. In Educando a Rita , the professor, an anarchic and drunkard character, who skips all university schemes and conventions,

returns to them due to the teachings of a young woman from a neighborhood with little culture but with an obsessive desire to change, to be another person. The entire film is a song to freedom in education and a tour of the dependence that each of the protagonists has on their criteria and experiences. In the last moments of the film we are allowed to guess that both the student and the teacher have helped to change each other and have been released.


The two characters, Without wanting to, help each other: the young woman, with few studies, and with the sole interest of completing her education to acquire a degree and have a higher social status, finds a teacher who teaches her to value herself for what It is and not only for what it can learn. This

new perspective will create tension in the young woman's marriage. The teacher, who has problems with drinking and personal and professional identity, discovers in Rita's attitudes and behaviors, guidelines to find his way. This new perspective will create tension in the young woman's marriage. Visit Us for more information. Visit Us for more information.

The teacher, who has problems with drinking and personal and professional identity, discovers in Rita's attitudes and behaviors, guidelines to find his way. This new perspective will create tension in the young woman's marriage. The teacher, who has problems with drinking and personal and professional identity, discovers in Rita's attitudes and behaviors, guidelines to find his way.